4月8日星期六,下午 2:00 在法拉盛文化藝術中心崑曲表演。


On April 8th 2023, Yonghong Jia our renowned Kun Opera Artistic performance in Flushing Townhall Center in New York.

In addition to his stunning performances on stage, Jia is also a master teacher, passing on the traditions and techniques of Kun Opera to a new generation of performers. He is dedicated to preserving this important cultural heritage for future generations.

2/9/2020 Delaware Art Museum Chinese New Year Celebration

For the second consecutive year, Renaissance Chinese Opera Society was honored to perform at the Delaware Art Museum for the Chinese New Year celebration. This year, Renaissance Chinese Opera Society, along with our master calligrapher, Jiang Hua, a renowned Pipa musician. Lu Liu, and Jersey Joy Club girl to perform in front of enthusiastic audience. Special thanks to Tiffany Ho for being our MC, and Jimmy for taking great pictures.

10/9/2019 Taiwanese Culture Masters Visit 中華民國龍獅藝陣協會

Renaissance Chinese Opera Society is thrilled to host a special seminar by our friends from Taiwan.



Introduction to the Taiwan Lion Dancing Artistry Association (TLDAA)

Established in 2003, the TLDAA aims to promote traditional lion dance and folklore, so the TLDAA holds hundreds of such activities every year. The TLDAA achieves fame and is now mapping out more activities so as to pass on such traditions.

簡歷從事傳統民俗工藝 ,如人像剪影 剪紙 木書畫等傳統技藝,創造出作品皆以真善美呈現。從事人像剪影近二十年,展演期間剪過蔡英文總統 陳建仁 呂秀蓮副總統,朱立倫等約二十位縣市長,許水德等約十位部長,國際知名運動員紀政及知名藝人數十人。並在2016榮獲台灣之光專業達人獎及特殊貢獻獎,且任新北市街頭藝人評審委員數年。剪紙教學大部分在學校傳承,並在年節時都在知名飯店展演,將特有民俗行銷國際友人。

9/21/2019 Rutgers University Confucious Institute Chinese Arts Festival – The Splendor of the Chinese Performing Arts

Renaissance Chinese Opera Society is proud to present Kunqu Opera “昭君出塞 Lady Zhao”.

Performers include Ms. 賈永紅 Yonghong Jia, 刘强 Mr. Liu Qiang, and 李庆凤 Li Qingfeng .

Lady Zhaoju, is one of well-known Kunqu Opera.  During the Han dynasty, Emperor Yuan (about B.C. 140 years) desired to get peace with Fierce Slave country, Emperor Yuan made Lady Zhaoju to marry King of Fierce Slave country, and Zhaoju reluctantly left her home and country. This part of opera which is a very highly produced with dance, acrobatics to play horse riding as traditional Chinese opera abstract drama way.

李庆凤曾是中国河北省河北 梆剧院的优秀演员,河北省戏剧家协会会员。主攻武生,武丑行当。师从著名表演艺术家张志奎,王瑞楼,宫吉星以及王建铭等优秀教师学习
擅 表演京剧 难度武打剧 【三岔口 】【挡馬 】【 闹天宫】【扈家庄】【 罗 汉 悟空】【武松打店】等传统剧 。
奖项有第六届“霸州杯”中国戏曲红梅赛选拔赛专业表演组红梅奖。曾在2008 京奥运会倒计时【百 圆梦】大 型综艺晚会承担重要 ,多次随团出访 港,澳 进 化交流演出活动,也曾在剧院的获奖剧 【钟馗】 剧中担任主要武戏演员,参加超过 100多场的全国巡回演出。曾在 陆跟过剧组拍电影.

刘强 京剧演员 工文武丑
表演风格 幽默诙谐
全本《牡丹亭》曾经出访都个国家 受到高度好评

July 26th, 2019 Off-Broadway Performance “Pear Garden Opera House”

Partnering with YaYa Kids Theater, Renaissance Chinese Opera Society was proud to present the Off-Broadway family show at Symphonyspace Theater in New York City on July 26th, 2019. The show was a big success and won a huge audience’s applause.

Pear Garden Opera House was a family show that depicts two young children travel back in time to witness the arts and history of different types of traditional Chinese Operas.

Special thanks to Oxygen Media YaYa Kids Theater for providing this special opportunity to work with a group of wonderful kids to perform this unique show. It was both educational and fun.