Our Mission:
As a registered 501(c)3 non-profit artistic enterprise, Renaissance Chinese Opera Society enjoys a preeminent position as the foremost exponent in America of Chinese Classical Opera such as Beijing opera and Kunqu. The Society is dedicated to preserving this precious heritage of Chinese culture, and introduce it to multi-national cultural mosaic of American life.
Story of Renaissance Chinese Opera Society:
The Renaissance Chinese Opera Society was founded in New York City in 1984 by Feng Shi Jea. It is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. It is one of the few Chinese opera performing organizations in the United States having professionally-trained artists who not only perform their roles but also serve in training new talents. But since these capable artists are unable to earn a living in Chinese opera in this country, they are forced into moonlighting in various occupations to take out what is often a bare existence, and to these artists the Renaissance Chinese Opera Society means returning to their primary interest and vocation after working in odd jobs they find to subsist.
In the past 30 years, the Renaissance Chinese Opera Society has performed over 350 different places across North America. It has recently relocated to South Jersey with the mission to preserve and promote precious Chinese opera heritage, and to introduce it to the multinational cultural mosaic of American life. It provides Chinese opera lovers a place where they can enjoy, learn and share the precious Chinese heritage arts among others. After Mr. Jea retired in 2017, Ms. Yong-Hong Jia serves as the president of the Renaissance Chinese Opera Society and continues her deceased husband Shu (Eric) Ho’s dream of promoting the arts of Chinese opera in the United States.
Founder Jea, Feng-Shi 賈鳳西 (創辦人)
社長 賈鳳西原籍台灣, 美國雙碩士畢業, 身爲職業會計師在紐約華埠執業近 20年, 並於1984 年成立中興國劇社, 任社長, 該票房自 成立以來已組織了百餘場的演出。
President Jia, Yong-Hong 賈永紅
Chinese opera singer, actressm, teacher of performing arts. Ms. Jia studied voice at the Central Traditional Singing and Dancing School from age 13. She also attended Peking Traditional Opera School specialized in Hua Dan (vivacious young girl) roles. She performed throughout China in many major Kunqu productions such as the Peony Pavilion. From 1991 to 1999 Ms. Jia also engaged in various TV and movie productions. As a leading actress, she won many awards for her acting. Ms. Jia was invited by New York Lincoln Center Festival production, the Peony pavilion in 1999, then performed this production around the world, in countries such as France, Italy, Denmark, Germany, Australia and Singapore, etc. She also performed Peking opera and folk songs for many charitable organizations and communities in different cities across North America. Currently, she is the teacher for two Huaxia Chinese Schools in New Jersey teaching singing, dancing, acting, Kunqu and Peking Opera. Ms. Jia is also managing both nonprofit organizations the Renaissance Chinese Opera Society and Renaissance Academy based in Matawan, NJ.
社長 賈永紅 簡介:
北京出生,於13歲開始學習聲樂演唱,先後從師於中央民族歌舞團羅明英老師,總政歌舞團方琦老師,中國歌劇舞劇院王家祥老師,後又先後師從於中國音樂學院盧德伍教授、金鐵霖院長及馬秋華教授,曾於1987年開始就讀於現北京市戲曲職業學院學習昆曲舞台表演專业。畢業後服務于北京北方昆曲劇院任演員。 本人於21 歲起參加影視演出,主演中央電視台及陜西電視台合拍的音樂電視劇<王貴與李香 香> 任女主人翁-李香香,曾獲大眾電視飛天獎提名獎。後又主演多部電影及電視劇,如:中國兒童電影制片廠盧剛導演的電影<熒屏奇遇>、鄭洞天導演的電影<人之初>,先後任女一號、女二號。後在著名話劇導演孟京輝導演的電視劇<阿方與 金珠>中飾金珠。在著名影視劇導演陳力導演的電視劇<青年毛澤東>中飾青年菜暢,繼而又在<夾縫>、<天橋夢>、<戲說慈禧>、<怪王別傳>等劇中分別飾演主要角色。曾在北京電視台<七色光>欄目擔任過“多米諾骨牌”節目的主持人。 在中国儿童电影制片厂拍摄电影《人之初》《荧屏奇遇》之后,曾受邀在兒影表演班教授过儿童戏剧表 演課。 1999 年應美國紐約林肯中心邀請來美參加全本 55 出<牡丹亭>演出,主演春香。此劇在1999 年夏季紐約林肯中心藝術節上首演造成轟動,後在 1999 年至 2003 年期間曾隨林肯中心《牡丹亭》劇組出訪法國、義大利、澳大利亞、 丹麥、新加坡等多國公演。 2001 年一月與紐約Chinese Opera Work Shop 的華裔導演馮光宇教授合作排演出了新編英語京劇<小紅帽>,劇中主演小紅帽,並公演多場成爲紐約巿許多中小學生的課程活動之一,深受紐約中小學生的歡迎。曾在2001年紐約華人新春晚會上與百老汇会華裔明星王洛勇先生(西貢 小姐主演),合演舞台喜劇小品<拔牙>。多立個來曾多次參加過紐約、洛杉磯、 西雅圖等京昆劇社公演的昆曲、京 劇。並經常參加新州社區活動, 爲老人、學校、賑災等 傳播義演昆曲、京劇、歌唱藝術。並組織安 排各項兒童表演節目,爲社區服務。現任新州兩家華夏中文學校 (華夏愛迪生、華夏南 部) 教師, 教中文、 聲樂、 舞蹈、戲劇表演。並任 職於新澤西洲 Montessori Matawan 和 Montessori Manalapan 兩家學校的中文教師及中興國劇社新州總幹事.
前副社長何恕 Ho, Shu (Eric) 簡介:
曾演出劇目有:《金玉奴》、《白蛇傳》、《四郎探母》、《五花洞》、《大登殿》、《蘇武牧羊》、《樊江關》、《尤三姐》、 《鐵弓緣》、《望江亭》、《坐樓殺惜》、《孔雀東南飛》、《春秋配》、《女起解》、《趕三關》、《投軍別窯》、《宇宙鋒》、《遊龍戲鳳》、《拾玉鐲》、《周仁獻嫂》、《花田錯》、《馬前潑水》、《尤二姐》、《貴妃醉酒》、《打漁殺家》、 《趙氏孤兒》、《春閨夢》等。
An award-winning Peking Opera actor, Shu Ho specialized in traditional female operatic roles. He frequently engaged in various leading parts of many performances throughout North America and China. Mr. Ho is one of the most famous Peking Opera actors of man plays female role in North America today. Mr. Ho studied Peking Opera at Chinese Culture University, Department of Chinese Opera in Taiwan. He was a student of a prominent Peking Opera master, Tong Zhi-Ling and also trained by many famous opera stars to learn different operatic styles. Mr. Ho has played many performances in east coast and west coast of USA and Canada, also in Beijing and Shanghai, China. Mr. Ho was awarded – Yong Actor Award from New York University in year 1987, awarded – Golden Dragon Award from CCTV Beijing, China in year 1996. Mr. Ho passed away in 2014, currently, his wife Ms. Jia continue to serve in his role as the program director and vice president of Renaissance Chinese Opera Society in New Jersey.

Artist Liping Zhang, has studied Sichuan Opera Face Mask Magic for many years. He frequently delights audiences with his dazzling display of skill in the art of face-changing. Mr. Zhang was the conductor for the Youth Ensemble of Beijing Theater after graduating from National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts. He has been actively involved in many international arts festival, such as Lincoln Center Arts Festival, 2004, and international arts.
張立平, 1994年畢業於中國戲曲學院. 曾任中國北京京劇院青年團樂隊指揮. 2004年參加美國林肯藝術節音樂指揮. 2007年赴荷蘭國際藝術節<<二進攻>>音樂指揮. 他也是川劇變臉大師的得意弟子.
Artist Lina Lu, is a Guinness World Records holder for the classical umbrella juggling and an internationally awarded acrobat performer. Born in Harbin China, started to perform circus at the age of 14. She has performed around the world including in British Royal Opera House , Theatre du Chatelet in Paris,
San Francisco Opera House, and Manchester Opera House.
劉麗娜,國家二級演員,中國大連市雜協委員,主演:雜技《蹬傘》 曾經獲得雜技“金菊獎”的(金獎);世界關谷雜技節的(銅鶴獎);創造《世界吉尼斯紀錄》在中國文聯成立60週年《百花賦》晚會,代表雜技界成功演出。 2013年7月,參加美國紐約林肯中心藝術節的演出,多次出訪各國巡演,在世界各國得到了讚譽,為國爭光。展現了我的“足尖上的藝術”。